Cheating Higher Ranks with Traits

I ran into this a little while ago and thought it would be helpful to share a possible solution.

Imagine you have an enum that describes a set of possible branches, for each branch there is a type associated with it that you want to run through a function, for this example– serialize.

enum Var {

struct Foo;

struct Bar;

fn write<W>(var: Var, mut writer: W) -> serde_json::Result<()>
    W: Write,
    match var {
        Var::One => serde_json::to_writer(&mut writer, &Foo),
        Var::Two => serde_json::to_writer(&mut writer, &Bar),

Life is good. Then you realize that you actually needed to format these types in two different ways, one with to_writer and the other with to_writer_pretty. You could make a write and write_pretty function, but that feels dirty. The only thing that would be different in each implementation is the function from serde_json. Naively, it would look something like this:

fn write<W>(var: Var, mut writer: W) -> serde_json::Result<()>
    W: Write,
    match var {
        Var::One => serde_json::to_writer(&mut writer, &Foo),
        Var::Two => serde_json::to_writer(&mut writer, &Bar),

fn write_pretty<W>(var: Var, mut writer: W) -> serde_json::Result<()>
    W: Write,
    match var {
        Var::One => serde_json::to_writer_pretty(&mut writer, &Foo),
        Var::Two => serde_json::to_writer_pretty(&mut writer, &Bar),

No problem, you think, you’ll parameterize the formatting function and pass it as a closure.

fn write<W, T, F>(var: Var, mut writer: W, f: F) -> serde_json::Result<()>
    W: Write,
    T: Serialize + ?Sized,
    F: Fn(&mut W, &T) -> serde_json::Result<()>,
    match var {
        Var::One => f(&mut writer, &Foo),
        Var::Two => f(&mut writer, &Bar),

But this is folly, write is declared to be valid for any T, but it’s passed a concrete T in the implementation (either Foo or Bar). Indeed, this will generate an error.

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/
16 | fn write<W, T, F>(var: Var, mut writer: W, f: F) -> serde_json::Result<()>
   |             - this type parameter
23 |         Var::One => f(&mut writer, &Foo),
   |                                    ^^^^ expected type parameter `T`, found struct `Foo`
   = note: expected reference `&T`
              found reference `&Foo`
   = help: type parameters must be constrained to match other types
   = note: for more information, visit

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/
16 | fn write<W, T, F>(var: Var, mut writer: W, f: F) -> serde_json::Result<()>
   |             - this type parameter
24 |         Var::Two => f(&mut writer, &Bar),
   |                                    ^^^^ expected type parameter `T`, found struct `Bar`
   = note: expected reference `&T`
              found reference `&Bar`
   = help: type parameters must be constrained to match other types
   = note: for more information, visit

This is where higher ranked types could come in. If you could declare F: for<T> Fn(&mut W, &T) -> serde_json::Result<()>. Basically, declaring that T is parameterized over the function F and not over write, then this would be valid. But such things are not allowed in Rust today.

How then to solve this problem?


Type Erasure

You can usually ‘erase’ a type parameter with a trait object,

fn write<W, T, F>(var: Var, mut writer: W, f: F) -> serde_json::Result<()>
    W: Write,
    T: Serialize + ?Sized,
    F: Fn(&mut W, &dyn Serialize) -> serde_json::Result<()>,
    match var {
        Var::One => f(&mut writer, &Foo),
        Var::Two => f(&mut writer, &Bar),

The problem with this is that Serialize is not object safe. If a trait has generic methods like Serialize does, it can’t be turned into a trait object. I encourage you to read the link, it’s enlightening.

There are crates like erased_serde that will allow one to make a Box<dyn Serialize>.

Another Enum

You can make another enum representing the different parameters that could be passed to the writer. I don’t think you really gain a lot from this though and I’m not sure it’s much better than just having the two explicit write/write_pretty variants.

enum Foobar<'a> {
    Foo(&'a Foo),
    Bar(&'a Bar)

fn write<W, T, F>(var: Var, mut writer: W, f: F) -> serde_json::Result<()>
    W: Write,
    T: Serialize + ?Sized,
    F: Fn(&mut W, FooBar) -> serde_json::Result<()>,
    match var {
        Var::One => f(&mut writer, Foo(&Foo)),
        Var::Two => f(&mut writer, Bar(&Bar)),

But then the closure has to handle the multiple variants also,

write(var, writer, |writer, foobar| {
    match foobar {
        Foo(foo) => serde_json::to_writer_pretty(writer, foo),
        Bar(bar) => serde_json::to_writer_pretty(writer, bar),
// and later:
write(var, writer, |writer, foobar| {
    match foobar {
        Foo(foo) => serde_json::to_writer(writer, foo),
        Bar(bar) => serde_json::to_writer(writer, bar),

You want to do the same thing for each type. Is there an easier way? You don’t want to add a dependency, and you’re at the point now where this seems like an awful lot of work to try to abstract this bit of code. Maybe you should just copy-paste, make the modifications and be done with it?

Cheating Rank-2

As usual in Rust– traits to the rescue. It’s possible to get around this by creating a trait with the behaviour we’re looking for

trait Format {
    fn format<W, T>(&self, writer: W, val: &T) -> serde_json::Result<()>
        W: Write,
        T: Serialize + ?Sized;

struct Ugly;
struct Pretty;

impl Format for Ugly {
    fn format<W, T>(&self, writer: W, val: &T) -> serde_json::Result<()>
        W: Write,
        T: Serialize + ?Sized,
        serde_json::to_writer(writer, val)

impl Format for Pretty {
    fn format<W, T>(&self, writer: W, val: &T) -> serde_json::Result<()>
        W: Write,
        T: Serialize + ?Sized,
        serde_json::to_writer_pretty(writer, val)

Now, you can make write parameterized by this trait,

fn write<W, F>(var: Var, mut writer: W, format: F) -> serde_json::Result<()>
    W: Write,
    F: Format,
    match var {
        Var::One => format.format(&mut writer, &Foo),
        Var::Two => format.format(&mut writer, &Bar),

Elsewhere, you can simply call the write function with,

write(var, writer, Ugly)?;

Because <T> is bounded over the format function and not the trait itself, it’s effectively the same thing as a rank-2 type (for<T> Fn(T)). I think this shows something interesting about type systems with traits or typeclasses; it’s sometimes valuable to create new types even if they hold no data, even if their only purpose is to abstract a bit of behaviour and allow you to attach it to a type.

If you don’t require a trait definition to have object safety (Format won’t be object safe), traits offer a convenient way to get around higher ranked types. Stick the additional type parameter in a trait method!