Protocols in Tokio (i3 IPC)

There’s a dearth of blog posts online that cover the details of implementing a custom protocol in tokio, at least that I’ve found. I’m going to cover some of the steps I went through in implementing an async version i3wm’s IPC. Granted, I’ve not finished my library to a point I’m comfortable releasing it, but I hope I can provide some examples for the aspiring async IO enthusiast that I wish I had when I started. A basic knowledge of futures and tokio will be helpful.

The Protocol

i3’s protocol is pretty simple. It uses a unix socket, and all messages sent to and from i3 follow the same general pattern:

"i3-ipc"<payload len (u32)><message type (u32)><json encoded payload>

We can subscribe to events like “window” and “workspace”, which will have data written to the socket when you do things like change active windows or switch workspaces. These strings are json encoded in an array and sent as the payload along with the ‘subscribe command’. In response, we get a payload of {"success": true} (or false).

Without further ado, let’s get to the implementation.

Using combinators and tokio::io

I think the most obvious place to start is using the built in combinators that come with futures and tokio. With the advent of Rust 1.26 and impl Trait we can return this as a impl Future<Item=(), Error=()>.

While tokio has some good examples using TcpListener for processing incoming tcp connections, I couldn’t find much for bidirectional communication using UnixStream. The first challenge I found, being naive of the tokio ecosystem, is that tokio_uds::UnixStream::connect returns a ConnectFuture. Rather than actually connecting to anything this is a type which implements Future (rather obvious in hindsight) that must be polled in order to actually connect to the socket.

Therefore, we must use and_then to access the UnixStream that will be resolved after the ConnectFuture runs:

use tokio_uds::UnixStream;

let fut = UnixStream::connect(path).and_then(|stream: UnixStream| {
    // do wonderful things

// and of course, to actually run it all

So, the back and forth looks something like this:

fn subscribe(events: Vec<Event>) -> io::Result<()> {
    let fut = UnixStream::connect(socket_path()?)
        .and_then(move |stream| {
            let buf = subscribe_payload(events);
            tokio::io::write_all(stream, buf)
        .and_then(|(stream, _buf)| {
            decode_response(stream, |msg_type: u32, buf: Vec<u8>| {
                let s = String::from_utf8(buf.to_vec()).unwrap();
                println!("{:?}", s); // {success:true}
                dbg!(msg_type); // 2 (for subscribe)
        .and_then(|stream| {
            decode_response(stream, |evt_type: u32, buf: Vec<u8>| {
                let resp = decode_evt(evt_type, buf); // mostly does serde deserializing, not shown
        .map(|_| ())
        .map_err(|e| eprintln!("{:?}", e));


Here, we are resolving that connect, then writing the subscribe data to the Stream using io::write_all. After that’s done we must read from the Stream in decode_response (the {success:true} response). And only then will we wait to receive the first event, and decode.

decode_response is a Future itself and higher-order. It takes a closure that receives a message type and buffer and presumably does something with the data.

fn decode_response<F>(stream: UnixStream, f: F) -> impl Future<Item = UnixStream, Error = io::Error>
    F: Fn(u32, Vec<u8>),
    let buf = [0; 14];
    tokio::io::read_exact(stream, buf).and_then(|(stream, initial)| {
        if &initial[0..6] != MAGIC.as_bytes() {
            panic!("Magic str not received");
        let payload_len = LittleEndian::read_u32(&initial[6..10]) as usize;
        let evt_type = LittleEndian::read_u32(&initial[10..14]);

        let buf = vec![0; payload_len];
        tokio::io::read_exact(stream, buf).and_then(move |(stream, buf)| {
            f(evt_type, buf); // do something

We don’t know the size of the message before we start reading it, but we do know that the first bit, i3-ipc<payload len><msg type> is 14 bytes. 6 for i3-ipc and 4 each for the two u32’s. What follows after that is the payload response and it could be any size. So we are delineating between the two parts of the message; the part of known size and the part with unknown size. We finish by returning the stream to potentially be used again.

The major issue with this, besides basically not handling errors, is it only reads a single event. We want to listen to a stream of window change events. And if you think about it, that makes sense, we’re returning a Future for decode_response when what we need to be doing is working with a Stream.


I was stumped on this part. But a few options were available, and I think these are (broadly) the solution to writing tokio code in general:

  • (1) Use combinators and abstract using functions and impl Future
  • (2) Implement custom Future and/or Stream types
  • (3 - perhaps more specific to this problem) use Encoder/Decoder and write a codec

I began reading some more tokio documentation and it seemed more and more like the thing I wanted to do was create a framed stream. The example in the tokio docs is writing a protocol that splits input into frames by the newline delimiter \n. The i3 protocol is slightly more complex but not by a lot.

As far as I can tell option 1 doesn’t really work for Stream. By that I mean, it doesn’t look like it’s possible to return an impl Stream of i3 event responses. The path is to implement a Future to decode a single message, then build a Stream out of those futures which naturally leads us to option 2.

I had a suspicion that by going through all that I’d be re-building machinery that Encoder / Decoder do anyway. I did a GitHub search for tokio_codec and limited the search to Rust to try and find some examples. Most codecs appear to be unit structs, mine was no different:

struct EventCodec;

After the initial success response from sending subscribe all our stream needs to do is decode messages and run the json parts through serde, therefore we only need Decoder for EventCodec.

impl Decoder for EventCodec {
    type Item = event::Event;
    type Error = io::Error;
    fn decode(&mut self, src: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<Option<Self::Item>, io::Error> {
        if src.len() > 14 {
            if &src[0..6] != MAGIC.as_bytes() {
                return Err(io::Error::new(
                    format!("Expected 'i3-ipc' but received: {:?}", &src[0..6]),
            let payload_len = LittleEndian::read_u32(&src[6..10]) as usize;
            let evt_type = LittleEndian::read_u32(&src[10..14]);
            if src.len() < 14 + payload_len {
            } else {
                let evt = decode_event(evt_type, src[14..].as_mut().to_vec())?;
                src.clear(); // !!
        } else {

Our Decoder produces Event responses, which is the deserialized result of parsing some IPC payload, or an Error. Returning Ok(None) from decode signifies to tokio to continue consuming data. I’m not sure if the length checking is necessary since in practice it seems like it only ever does a single read operation for the entire response (at least in my tests), but it seems right for a function that can say “hey, I need more data”.

The first time I tried using this, it accepted a single event but decoded it infinitely. My console filled with the exact same event being processed again and again. After some stackoverflow help I added src.clear(), to clear the buffer after successfully decoding the event and produce a single frame per event.

Edit: The correct thing to do here is not to clear the frame but instead advance it as described by a very helpful user on the rust subreddit. So, that line should read:

let evt = ...;
src.advance(14 + payload_len);

You can use Decoders and Encoders to turn a UnixStream or TcpStream into frames using:

let framed = FramedRead::new(stream, EventCodec);
let sender = framed
    .for_each(move |evt: event::Event| {
        // do something
    .map_err(|err| println!("{}", err));

I connected this with the original subscribe function to produce:

pub fn subscribe(
    rt: tokio::runtime::current_thread::Handle,
    tx: Sender<event::Event>,
    events: Vec<Subscribe>,
) -> io::Result<()> {
    let fut = UnixStream::connect(socket_path()?)
        .and_then(move |stream| {
            let buf = subscribe_payload(events);
            tokio::io::write_all(stream, buf)
        .and_then(|(stream, _buf)| {
            decode_response(stream, |msg_type: u32, buf: Vec<u8>| {
                let s = String::from_utf8(buf.to_vec()).unwrap();
                println!("{:?}", s); // {success:true}
                dbg!(msg_type); // 2 (for subscribe)
        .and_then(move |stream| {
            let framed = FramedRead::new(stream, EventCodec);
            let sender = framed
                .for_each(move |evt| {
                    // do something with each event
                    let tx = tx.clone();
                        .map(|_| ())
                        .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe, e))
                .map_err(|err| println!("{}", err));
            tokio::spawn(sender); // !
        .map(|_| ())
        .map_err(|e| eprintln!("{:?}", e));


I decided to pass in a Sender and use a futures::mpsc::channel to communicate the events received over the socket to elsewhere. I think this is a nice approach and allows this function (after it’s been spruced up) to potentially be exported as a library function and have users pass the Sender in and listen on the other side of the channel for responses.

There’s an extra spawn for the bit that runs sender. This is because sender is still a Future. If we return it instead of spawning it, then for_each would wait for it to complete before it accepts the next response. That’s probably not a big deal here since i3 will probably only send a single event at a time, but there’s not much point in doing all this work if we don’t enable ourselves to actually use the concurrency provided.

Manually Implementing Future

Tokio’s IO is built on top of AsyncRead and AsyncWrite in much the same way that std’s IO is built on top if Read and Write. In fact, AsyncRead/AsyncWrite are super traits of Read & Write, respectively. To compare impl Trait to other solutions, I decided to turn decode_response into a handcoded Future. If you recall; decode_response is split into two distinct parts based on deciding us finding the length of the message to be read. I found it difficult to get that functionality into a hand written future without Read::read_exact, until I found ReadExact in the tokio docs, which let me to tokio_io::io::read_exact which just returns a type that implements Future (so we can call poll on it).

Here’s what decode_response as custom future looks like:

pub struct I3Msg<D> {
    stream: UnixStream,
    _marker: PhantomData<D>,

impl<D: DeserializeOwned> Future for I3Msg<D> {
    type Item = MsgResponse<D>; // holds msg type and 'D'
    type Error = io::Error;
    fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, io::Error> {
        let mut buf = [0_u8; 14]; // buffer for the first bit
        let (rdr, initial) = try_ready!(read_exact(&, &mut buf).poll()); // this returns the reader and the written-to buffer
        if &initial[0..6] != MAGIC.as_bytes() {
            panic!("Magic str not received");
        let payload_len = LittleEndian::read_u32(&initial[6..10]) as usize;
        let msg_type = LittleEndian::read_u32(&initial[10..14]);
        // get the payload now
        let mut buf = vec![0_u8; payload_len];
        let (_rdr, payload) = try_ready!(read_exact(rdr, &mut buf).poll());

        Ok(Async::Ready(MsgResponse {
            msg_type: msg_type.into(),
            body: serde_json::from_slice(&payload[..])?,


When I started this tokio adventure and felt very much like I was in over my head. However, the more time I spent interacting with the various bits of the ecosystem the more I realized the parts that seemed obscure and magic were very much non-magical. The Future and Stream traits, along with the tokio and AsyncRead/AsyncWrite and the ecosystem built on top of that feel well thought out and logical; though not without initial difficulty. I also noticed that after I got past a certain point in my understanding of how everything fit together I was making orders of magnitude more progress than when I started, and more importantly I was having fun again.

I’m not quite done building this library and polishing things off, I will write a part 2 after everything is completed. I am by no means a tokio expert so if anyone catches any errors or has some tips, I’d love to hear the feedback. One thing I’m still a bit uncertain about is threading errors through the various futures. I hope this was helpful to someone. ‘Till next time
